Best Google Chrome Extensions 2020: 11 Must-Have Browser Extensions

Google Chrome Extensions on a Macbook Pro

Looking for the best Google Chrome Extensions? You’ve come to the right place! So many people nowadays use Google Chrome as their favourite web browser. Easy to understand. It is super fast and powerful. But what makes it even better, is the enormous amount of extensions and add-ons, giving it a huge variety of functions. In this article, you will find the best Google Chrome Extensions for blocking ads, privacy, shopping, causes and sustainability, tab management, and students. 

Best Google Chrome Extensions for Blocking Ads 

Ads and cookies are not only annoying when they pop up on your screen, but they also slow down your online activities and endanger your privacy. Use these top-rated ad-blockers to prevent this from happening. Note that if an extension excessively blocks ads, some websites may not work properly.

1. AdBlock

Advertising and the internet are inextricably connected. Many websites bombard us with banners, text ads and other advertisements (targeted or not). With AdBlock, you can block (almost) everything automatically, so you can enjoy looking at a clear, decluttered webpage. You can choose and update filters, but the extension is basically ready to go.

Install AdBlock for Google Chrome

 2. AdBlock Plus

This is one of the best-known Google Chrome extensions for blocking ads. You install it within seconds, and it works straight away. What gives AdBlock Plus the Plus, is that there are more blocking options to choose from than with AdBlock. This way, you can configure it to your own liking.

Install AdBlock Plus for Google Chrome

Best Google Chrome Extensions for Privacy

Google Chrome isn’t exactly the best browser to use if you want to protect your privacy. It remembers your settings and favourite websites on all of your computers. The browser also automatically updates itself in the background. One solution is to switch browsers, but another one is to install an extension.

3. Privacy Badger

Privacy Badger lets you block third party advertisements. The service is super smart: every time the server thinks that an advertiser is about to violate any privacy laws, it blocks that advertiser from retrieving your personal information. 

Install Privacy Badger extension for Chrome

4. DuckDuckGo

If you want to try a different search engine than Google, you can use DuckDuckGo. This search engine doesn’t trace, save or use any information for commercial purposes. The DuckDuckGo extension integrates with Chrome and makes searching easy. Of course, it’s not as good as Google, but if privacy is your priority, DuckDuckGo is the way to go! 

Install DuckDuckGo extension for Chrome

Best Google Chrome Extensions for Shopping 

Do you shop online frequently? Might be a good idea to download these useful extensions, that help save you money and make shopping online even more convenient. 

5. Honey

Honey is an extension that finds and tests discount coupon codes all over the UK, Canada and the US. Once added to your browser, you can shop online like you are used to. Then, when checking out, click on the Find Savings button and Honey will try to find and apply a coupon code.

Install Honey extension for Google Chrome

Best Google Chrome Extensions for

Talking about shopping, Amazon dominates the online shopping world. If you use Amazon regularly and like to know what deals are on at the moment (who doesn’t?!), the following extension will make your life a lot easier.

6. Amazon Lightning Deal Watcher

Amazon Lightening Deals offers a button in the toolbar of the extension, showing the number of current and upcoming deals. Click on the button to see what deals there are. You can view an image of the product, the price, a short description, information about when the deal is about to start and end, and the number of remaining products. Clicking on a product takes you to the designated Amazon page. If you want, you can also receive a notification on your phone when the deal is about to start.

Get the Keepa / Amazon Dealwatcher Extension for Chrome

Best Google Chrome Extensions for Causes and Sustainability

7. TreeClicks

Who says shopping is bad for the planet? Well, a lot of people actually. And it is. Just think about all of the carbon dioxide, toxins, and pollution coming from the production, transportation, packaging, and waste production of your stuff. Fortunately, there is an extension that you can use for free to reduce your carbon footprint while you shop! It’s called TreeClicks. Whenever you purchase something at their 50.000+ stores (including Amazon), TreeClicks receives an ad fee and with it, trees are planted – absorbing carbon dioxide.

Install TreeClicks for Chrome

TreeClicks Screenshot

8. Tab for a Cause

What better way to contribute to a good cause than doing almost nothing?! Tab for a Cause raises money for charity whenever you open a new tab in Google Chrome. Free to use, it receives ad revenue from banner ads in the tabs, that they donate to human rights, environmental, educational, water or health charities.

Install Tab for a Cause Chrome Extension

Best Google Chrome Extensions for Tab Management 

Speaking of tabs, how many tabs do you have open right now? Did you know that it can actually increase your stress levels to leave too many tabs open? It’s recommended to have no more than 5 tabs open at the same time. I know, that’s easier said than done. Fortunately, you can use this extension to help you out:

9. Save my Tabs

Can’t seem to choose what tabs to close? Just save them for later. Use Save my Tabs to save all of your tabs in one go. It saves all your opened tabs as bookmarks, so you can come back to them any time you want. Tip: Create a separate folder first, so they don’t get mixed up with the tabs you want to save next time.

Install Save my Tabs for Google Chrome

Best Google Chrome Extensions for Students

Students massively use the internet – and Google Chrome – for research and educational purposes. So, what are the two best Google Chrome Extensions students ought to have?

10. Grammarly

Grammarly is free to use and is a lifesaver for many students. Whenever you type something in Chrome, even in your email, Grammarly automatically checks the grammar and spelling. Errors are underlined in red, so it’s easy to spot them. Simply hover your mouse on the word, and it will give you several potential corrections.

Install Grammarly Extension for Chrome

11. Google Dictionary

Browsing the web with Google Chrome can have you run into quite a few unfamiliar words. Don’t have the slightest idea of what a word means? Add Google Dictionary to your browser and expand your vocabulary within seconds. Simply click on a word and Google Dictionary shows you the definition in a pop-up window. If you’re using a different language (say Dutch), then go to My Language and switch the language from English to your desired language. You can also easily launch a Google search for the word and see how the word is used in different contexts. The extension is free to use.

Get the Google Dictionary Chrome Extension

Got any other suggestions, let us know. This article originally came from DevProblems: Best Google Chrome Extensions 2020